The Farmington Hills Department Of Public Works received a LED retrofit makeover for the warehouse, the offices, the repair facility, and the storage facility.
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Project: Farmington Hills Department Of Public Works
The City of Farmington Hills Division of Public Works is responsible for a wide variety of City services including road maintenance, public sidewalks, forestry, street signs, garbage and recycling collection, and City fleet vehicle maintenance.
The DPW is mostly responsible for all aspects of maintenance and operations of roads and streets under the City’s jurisdiction. This includes winter maintenance such as snow plowing, clearing of fallen trees in the roadway and shoulders, sidewalk maintenance, landscaping and storm water management within City rights-of-way.
The DPW oversees all routine maintenance of the City’s street system including pavement patching and replacement, road grading, litter control, street sweeping, roadside mowing and landscaping, forestry services, storm drain maintenance and improvements, ditching, guardrail repairs, sign maintenance, and snow and ice control. Additionally, City crews provide mowing and litter control services to 40 miles of county roads.
Ensuring safe driving conditions is the primary objective of the road maintenance program. Improving the aesthetic quality of the street network in the City of Farmington Hills is also a priority.
The DPW also provides Snow & Ice Removal to Sidewalks, School Bus Routes, and other streets. The DPW also handles Trash in the city of Farmington Hills with Waste Management for refuse, recycling, bulk item pickup, and yard waste collection. The City’s solid waste program provides weekly curbside pickup of garbage and recyclables, and from early April until early December, curbside pickup of yard waste is also offered.
View more about the Farmington Hills Department of Public Works at